James M. Farrell Memorial Award

Father, coach and administrator, Jim Farrell brought patience, fairness, support, humor and understanding to his service with the West Windsor Little League. He created an unparalleled experience that epitomizes the mission of youth sport. This award is given annually to a volunteer who continues this legacy.

Award Winners:
2024 – Paul Hamm 
2023 – Eric Kochanowski
2022 – Katy Coyle and Danny Chu
2021 – Joe Dorfman, Alex Chung
2020 – Not Awarded
2019 – Dave Pelosi
2018 – Jen and Andy Sung
2017 – Mike Vacchi and Louis Daigneault
2016 – Frank Pometti
2015 – Kevin Carroll
2014 – Adam Naddelman
2013 – George Foley and Scott Guest
2012 – Brian & Kristen Raeter
2011 - David Lichtenstein
2010 – Sean and Susan Bluni
2009 – Ellen Vogt

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